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World Views / Religious Education (RE)

Our vision for religion and worldviews at Hallgate Primary School is to create tolerant and respectful citizens of the future. We aim to build a culture of understanding in which our children can express their thoughts and ideas on religions and worldviews, as well as foster the British values of respect and acceptance.

Our curriculum is based on the Hull and East Riding Syllabus for RE. Starting in EYFS, children begin to learn about Christianity and key celebrations and festivals around the world. In KS1, children build upon their knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith, whilst also learning about Islam and Humanism. Across KS2, children learn about a wide range of faiths including, Christianity, Islam, Humanism, the Hindu tradition and Buddhism. 

As part of our religion and worldviews curriculum, we aim to provide children with concrete, relevant experiences that they may not usually encounter in their everyday lives. We arrange visits to local places of worship, invite a range of faith leaders into school and where possible, provide the opportunity to explore a breadth of religious artefacts.

More information on our approach to teaching RE/Worldviews is available within our policy, which is below. This document also includes important information about parents' right to withdraw children from this aspect of the curriculum