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Hallgate Primary School



Friends of Hallgate Primary School (Registered Charity Number 1182483)




Who are the Friends of Hallgate Primary School?


The Friends of Hallgate Primary School are made up of parents/carers of the school who organise fund raising and social events throughout the year to benefit everyone within the school. The money raised is often spent on items and activities that the school wouldn’t otherwise have the money for.


Regular events include Discos for the children, Christmas & Summer Fairs, Fashion Shows, Christmas Surprise Shops and Mothers Day & Fathers Day Surprise Shops.


We hold meetings approximately every half term, in school. Our meetings are very informal and fresh faces are always welcome as are any new fund raising ideas. By joining and/or supporting the Friends it gives a great opportunity for parents and carers to become more involved, meet others and have fun.


We hope you will be able to join us.


Fundraising Missions


The money raised over the past several years has been put towards the new climbing equipment on the field, astro turf on KS1 Playground and equipment and books for our new library.  Our events meant that over half of the cost of this equipment was funded by your generosity at our events.


Fundraising Mission 2023/2024


We are now fundraising to develop our outdoor areas for all the children in the school to use and enjoy.


We will also be giving each class an amount to help subsidise school visits and again paying for the Year 6 leaving event and t shirts.


Contact Us Direct


You can now get in touch with us directly through Facebook or Email:


Dates for your Diary


Camping - check emails to find out more

Endurance Challenge - Friday 5 July from 4pm on the school field.


We have some great events planned.  If you are able to help at any event, even just for an hour or so, or have any ideas or would like to join the committee please contact the Friends via email: or through their Facebook page.


Registered Charity Status

We are pleased to announce Friends of Hallgate Primary School was entered on the Register of Charities on 15 March 2019.  Registered Charity Number 1182483.



If you have any ideas you would like to share, or would just like to socialise with other parents of the school please come along, it is very informal, the work the Friends do for the school is amazing and it is extremely rewarding to know you are doing something that will benefit the children in the school.


Friends of Hallgate Committee


  • Chairperson:  Leann Rokyckyj
  • Vice Chair: Dawn Miller
  • Treasurer: Claire Cruickshank
  • Secretary: Suzanne Best
  • Parent Members:   Aimee Read, Vicky Knight, Katie Dunham 

Minutes of Meetings and Event Information
