Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.
Our aims:
To provide a happy, healthy, caring environment where everyone feels safe.
To provide a broad, balanced curriculum and create exciting and stimulating learning opportunities for everyone
To support everyone to become independent thinkers and successful learners.
To develop everyone’s confidence, tolerance and sense of responsibility.
To promote and encourage the role of parents, carers and families as educators.
To develop strong links between our school and the village community.
Our Vision:
Hallgate School will be seen as a Flagship School, one that is outstanding and...
• Has a high reputation for providing outstanding Primary Education
• Is welcoming, caring and approachable to all
• Is totally inclusive – pupils, parents the community are all equally
involved and valued
• Has high quality facilities that are used to their fullest potential for the
benefit of the whole school community
• Is dynamic in both thinking and outlook
For all its pupils, Hallgate will provide a school...
• Where they are seen as individuals who are respected and understood
• Where they are each nurtured to reach their full potential
• Where they feel safe and secure
• With teachers who motivate, support and challenge
• Where learning is relevant, engaging and enjoyable
• That will equip them with the skills they need for their future life in the
21st century
For all its parents/ carers, Hallgate will provide a school…
• That welcomes and values their input, contribution
• Where they are involved in and know how to support their child’s
• Where they are heard and understood and their concerns are taken
• Where they are part of the whole school community
For all its staff, Hallgate will provide a professional environment ...
• Where all are equally valued as members of the team and contribute to
the shared vision for the school
• With opportunities to develop their full potential
• With clear roles and responsibilities
• With good communication mechanisms
• With appropriate and timely recognition that values achievement and
supports improvement
Our Values:
We have six School Values which have been chosen by children, parents, staff and governors. They are:
In addition, we encourage our children to develop as Super Learners by focusing on the
following behaviours for learning:
Don’t give up
Have a go
Keep improving
Enjoy learning